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Writer's pictureTracey Bengeyfield

News & Apologies!

There's a new 'Free to Members' video available with my Online Watercolour school!

This one is just right for this time of year as it is brimming with lovely summer daisies and cow parsley. In this one I share with you how to reserve the white of your paper using different techniques to create the daisies, grasses and the frothy cow parsley. You will also work freely building up the grasses to create a lovely summer meadow vibe. You can work using any format for this one ~ here you can see the meadow escaping from the circle frame. On the accompanying worksheet you can see the painting in a more traditional portrait composition.

Well that's the 'News' ~ in related news (this is where the apology comes) releasing the ‘Summer Daisies’ project to the 'Freebies' section actually opened up a bit of a can of worms as I discovered that many of the 'Members' of the website (not subscribers) have been unable to access the free projects!!!

This glaring error was only brought to light when I emailed my ‘in-person’ class students to let them know that it was there (should they be bored during our half term break from classes!) ~ soon after which I had a reply email letting me know that it couldn't be found! So despite allocating a number of tutorials to the ‘free’ section (which is available to all website members) some of my lovely members could not actually access them! APOLOGIES!!!!

In short ~ If you have signed up to become a free member of my website and have been stunned by the lack of free tutorials (despite my Instagram account waxing lyrical about them!), I hope (with everything crossed) that my lovely husband has tweaked the code and they are now visible. Did I mention that technology is not my strong point!

Hopefully, if you go to ‘my watercolour lessons’ on the drop down menu you will now be able to see and access all of the free tutorials! Please note: If you are currently a subscriber this will not affect you as these projects already form part of your subscription package!

Here's a little peek at what you have missed!

If you are a complete beginner ~ Try out my 'Techniques' video first where you can learn some of the basic techniques.

Happy Painting!

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